Petra Jane Story Site

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The following story contains characters owned by DC Comics/Warner
Bros.  It is written as a fanfic parody story not intended to make any use
of actual story lines in published books.  The story is purely for fun, with
no profit to be made by the author.  It is free to be archived on any site
wishing to do so, provided the author is given proper credit.

I would really love to hear any comments you'd like to send me.  Thanks,
and I hope you enjoy it!

The Further Adventures of Lois Lane - A New Destiny by Steve Zink

As had been done every year in the past, The Daily Planet, where Lois
Lane worked as one of the star reporters, was holding a Halloween Party.  
Every year, a theme for the costume contest at the annual party was
announced during the Labor Day weekend, to give everyone about two
months to prepare.  Since Superman was a regular visitor to the Planet,
and a very good friend of Lois, it was a bit of a surprise that this year's
theme had not been used in the past.

  Perry White, the editor of the
newspaper, issued a memo on Friday afternoon before everybody who'd be
able to took off for the holiday, announcing that the theme of this year's
contest would be superheroes and supervillains.  The only stipulation
made was that no more mask could be worn other than what the costume
of the original had.

Lois had won the contest three times in the past, with a combination of
her originality in costume selection and her ability to put the costume
together and wear it properly.  That Friday evening, she started going
through her memories of past and present super characters, trying to
come up with a costume she could do and at the same time impress
everybody with her choice.  Some were too obvious and likely to be done
by other women on the Planet staff, like Wonder Woman, Batgirl, or even
Catwoman...the thought of whom made her shudder because of the way
two years earlier she herself had been hypnotized by the original to know
that she was the new Feline Felon.  It was a good thing the spell was
broken before the day was through.

The masks worn by the latter two would be advantageous, but Lois wanted
to be more daring, and find a subject that no one else would think of.  It
was while thinking about Wonder Woman that a spark of an idea came to
her, and she started doing research in her home files right away.

She found absolutely no references to her subject in the past eight years,
and Lois started to wonder what had become of her.  The next morning,
she called her friend Clark Kent, and asked him if he could get in touch
with Superman and ask him to make a visit to her apartment.  This would
be easy for Clark, since he himself was Superman, as Lois sometimes
suspected, but could never prove.  She only knew they were close
friends.  He assured her that if no world shaking events had him otherwise
occupied, Superman would surely be able to drop by at some point that

Superman timed his arrival at Lois' apartment to coincide with her
preparation of lunch.  He had sneaky ways of working his visits with the
cute looking brunette into dates, usually involving food.  Super being that
he was, he still needed to eat, and if he could get Lois to prepare the
meal, it was less work for him to do.  Of course, she usually found ways
to utilize the Man of Steel's powers in speeding her meal preparations,
heat vision being a likely subject, and quick hands and super breath often
were drafted into use in cleaning up afterwards.  During lunch, Lois
mentioned to Superman that she would like to get in touch with Wonder
Woman, currently operating out of Washington, DC.

Superman wondered if this request could have anything to do with the
upcoming contest.  As Clark, he was planning to attend the party in
a Flash costume he would borrow from his fellow Justice League member.  
Not wanting to raise any suspicions about knowledge of the party with
her, he kept his musings to himself, and told her he would get in touch
with Wonder Woman right away, and try to arrange a get-together for
them.  After his super cleaning skills were put to use, Lois bade
Superman a fond farewell, then went to work on planning her costume.

Later that afternoon, while she was at the mall shopping for materials,
Wonder Woman called and left a message on her answering machine
asking Lois to call back at her convenience.  When she got in with her
bag of fabrics, the costume planner checked the blinking light on her
phone, played back the two messages there, and noted that the Amazon
had called three hours ago.

Lois picked up her remote phone, dialed the number in DC that the super
heroine had left in the message, then tucked the phone between her neck
and shoulder as she started to put away her afternoon's acquisitions.  
Wonder Woman, in this case actually Diana Prince, since she was out of
costume and in her own apartment, picked up her phone after only two


"Hi, Wonder Woman.  This is Lois Lane...."  While she was putting away
two fabric rolls in her den, she engaged Wonder Woman in girl to girl talk
for a few minutes.  Then Lois got down to the point of her call.  "Is there
any chance that I could fly down to DC to talk with you at length?  I'm
doing some research on one of your old foes, Cheetah, and our files are
not very thick."

Diana wondered what need Lois would have for that kind of information, but
answered, "Sure, I'd love to see you come down for a visit.  Next Saturday
morning would be the best opportunity, presuming of course, that no
crises develop that would keep me from being there."

"Saturday morning sounds just great," Lois replied.  "I'll see you then."

Diana then asked, "Lois, can you bring some files from the Planet's
archives with you when you come down here?"

She wrote down all the info Diana wanted, then Lois asked, "How would
you want that data, is a hard printout needed, or is a data file on disk

"The disk would be perfect," Diana answered.  The ladies said their
goodbyes, then Lois got out her pattern collection and started to work on
her costume.

All day Sunday, and into Monday, which Lois was one of the lucky few at
the Planet to have off, she worked with the patterns, trying to come up
with a way for different sets to combine into a pattern she could use.  A lot
of trial and error eventually resulted in something the costume hopeful
woman figured she could work with, and each night after work for the rest
of the week, Lois did fabric cutting and stitching with her sewing machine,
besides checking various shoe stores for what she figured would be hard
to find boots with the matching colors and pattern.  She eventually found
a pair in one of the fetish sex shops with heels that looked a good bit
taller than the ones in pictures of Cheetah, but at least had the proper
colors on the knee high soft leather uppers.  The tail was a real bitch to
sew, but at least the springiness of the material with which it was stuffed
would allow it to fall down and curl up behind her even after being pushed
aside to sit down.  By Friday night, she was starting to feel good about
the way her costume was coming together.

At work during each of those days, Lois went into the archive to find any
older references to Cheetah, and also got the data that Wonder Woman
had said she was looking for.

Lois was disappointed to learn that the shuttle flights between Metropolis
and DC did not operate on Saturdays, but booked a seat on the first
regular flight of the morning that would get her to the Nation's Capital at
8:00 AM.  During the flight down the coast, the reporter reviewed in her
notes what she had managed to come up with in her searches of the
archive.  She wanted to make her visit with Wonder Woman as fruitful as
possible, without wasting any of the Amazon's time.

When the jet landed, she gathered her purse and shoulder bag from her
seat position, then retrieved her suit bag from the closet at the front of the
plane on the way out the door.  Like many of her fellow passengers, Lois
had flown enough to know that if she did not have to check any bags, she
could get away from the airport a good twenty to thirty minutes ahead of
anybody waiting on checked bags.  She scooted through the claim area to
the public transportation stand outside the door, then hailed a taxi to take
her downtown.

Diana had arranged for Lois to meet her at one of the better restaurants in
DC.  This establishment had seen enough appearances by the super
heroine to not give a second thought to seeing her eating inside.  The
information seeker had no difficulty getting to this restaurant, since
Saturday morning traffic was nothing compared to regular weekday tie ups
and snarls in rush hour.  After giving the cabbie his fare and a nice tip for
getting her there so effortlessly, Lois went through the front door of the
restaurant and went to the seating desk.

"Just one in your party this morning, ma'am?" the cheerful blonde behind
the desk asked.

"Good morning, it should be a party of two," Lois told her.  "I'm here to
meet with Wonder Woman."

The young lady at the desk immediately grinned, and said, "Right this
way, ma'am.  We were told to expect you.  Any friend of Wonder
Woman's is a supreme guest of the house."

Lois was led to an ornate section of the restaurant which served as the
VIP dining area, and the super herione who'd been one of the original
founding members of the Justice League stood to greet her when she
neared the table.  "Good morning, Lois!"

Lois answered Wonder Woman with a quick hug, then took a seat
opposite the Amazon.  "Isn't this a bit much for a breakfast get-together?"

The star spangled heroine actually giggled, which looked so out of
character to Lois, then said, "The owners of this restaurant value the
services that my fellow super heroes and I give to the city, and allow us
free usage of the facilities for hosting guests.  So enjoy yourself!"

Lois then got right down to business, asking, "What ever happened to
Cheetah?  She seems to have just disappeared.  Do you have any idea
what happened to her?"

The Amazon wondered herself what had become of Cheetah, and said,
"I last saw her about eight years ago.  I have no idea where she went, and
frankly, I hope I never see her again!  It's awfully puzzling that she would
fade from sight so abruptly."  Then Wonder Woman began giving Lois
some historical details about the villainess who'd given her so much
trouble over the years, along with a number of her own personal
photographs from her collection, while the two dined on exquisitely
prepared omelets.  She concluded by asking, "So I'm wondering, can you
tell me what you need all this information for?"

Lois grinned, then told her, "The exact usage for the info is a secret, but
just girl to girl, if you were to visit the Planet's Halloween Party, you might
find your answer."

The super heroine returned the grin, and with a gleam in her eye, said,
"I already had a good guess of what was going on, and that sounds like
a nice confirmation.  My lips are sealed!  Now then, did you have any luck
getting the info from the archives I'm looking for?"

Lois reached into her purse, and pulled out a small sleeve with a CD-ROM
disk in it, then handed it to the Amazon.  Now it was Lois' turn to get
inquisitive.  "What on Earth could you possibly need that information for?"

"The Justice League is interested in data related to Superman's early
years," Wonder Woman said.  "We're hoping that since he doesn't
celebrate birthday's as such, the League could host a party for him
celebrating the anniversary of his coming to this planet."

"Oh, so that's it!" Lois said through a tremendous grin.  She was relieved
to find that there wasn't any more serious need for the data she had pulled
from the Planet's archives.  She and Diana then talked a bit more while
finishing their breakfasts and coffee afterward.  Lois was wished a lot of
luck by the Amazon in her search for information, then the two got up to
leave.  As Wonder Woman leapt into the air to be borne by the winds,
Lois decided to put her time in DC to further use.

She took another cab to the Police Station a few blocks deeper into the
city.  Lois did some cursory checks into their historical files, then asked
the sergeant at the desk, "Hi, my name is Lois Lane, and I'm a reporter for
the Daily Planet in Metropolis.  I'm trying to do some research on
a criminal from days of old, Cheetah.  Do you know if there's anybody
here at the station that might have any memories of her?"

After he checked Ms. Lane's credentials, the first thing the police officer
did was to pull a folder out of a restricted file, and give her a number of
photographs.  These were not mug shots, but photos taken at the scenes
of many crimes, many with Wonder Woman alongside.  The Amazon
looked no younger than she had at breakfast.  Then, to her surprise, Lois
was told there was an old man not far from the station who was the local
guru of info about the mystery lady.  She thanked him for the tip, then
walked the short distance to the address she'd been given.

The run-down townhouse that Lois found when she reached that address
gave her second thoughts about going further, but she gathered up her
courage, then went up two flights of stairs to reach the number of her
contact.  Surprised that the doorbell worked, the hopeful brunette waited
only a few moments before the door was opened just enough for the
occupant to stick an eyeball to the crack and see who was there.

Lois apparently offered no potential problem, and the door was opened
a little bit more.  He asked, "What do you want?" in a gruff, ragged old

"Good afternoon, sir," Lois replied in as professional sounding a voice as
she could manage in the setting.  "My name is Lois Lane.  I was told that
you might be able to tell me something about Cheetah."

Upon hearing the name of the not seen in many years villainess, the old
man's eyes lit up with a fire he hadn't shown in ages.  The door was
opened to the full after the chain was unhooked, and Lois was invited in.

The old man gave her a brief rundown on what he knew of the last days of
Cheetah, and mentioned to Lois that it was not known why she retired or
stopped her activities.  Then he started to get a bit cagey with his further
info.  He asked her, "Are you aware that the wearer of the Cheetah
costume did not die?"

"No," Lois answered, "all references to her stopped eight years ago."

The old man then dropped a bombshell on her.  "The lady who wore the
costume merely stopped wearing it.  Her current whereabouts are
unknown, and I presume that she is now an ex-criminal.  She does send
me cards on an occasional basis, to let me know that she is still alive and

Then Lois was stunned even further by the old man.  Upon seeing the
interest his guest was showing in his story, with her eyes wide and
drinking in every detail, he asked, "Would you like to have the old
costume?  It was entrusted to my care when the old wearer left.  Since
I have no real need for it, and you're showing such a great interest, I'll
place it in your trust."

The old man left her waiting in the living room while he went scrounging
deep into his bedroom closet.  After a brief wait, she was greeted by her
host carrying a medium sized box.  He gave it to Lois, and merely said,
"Please take good care of this, and don't tell anyone where you got it

With that, he abruptly halted any further conversation, and showed her to
the door.  If Lois had seen the evil grin forming on the old man's face as he
was closing his door, she might not have been smiling the way she was as
she held her box while flagging a taxi.  The old man knew a lot more about
the costume, and why it had been left in his care, than he had bothered to
tell her.

Lois managed to persuade the gate agent at the airport to let her take the
box onboard the plane with her, even though she now had well over the
usual limits for carry-on bags.  Being a Saturday afternoon, there weren't
that many passengers on the plane, so she was given permission to bring
her entire collection with her.

While the jet was working its way back north, she got out the pictures
which had been given to her by Wonder Woman and the police sergeant.  
Looking closely at the images of Cheetah, Lois noticed a few things she
hadn't spotted in the pictures in the Planet's archive.  She started to
wonder about being able to accurately copy the costume with the way in
which it had gotten started, then decided to do a comparison of her copy
to the original which she now had after she got home.  She figured that
there was little point in worrying about it on the plane, so the reporter put
away the pictures and got out the in-flight magazine to kill time for the
remainder of the flight.

It was evening by the time she got back to her apartment.  She laid her
new photos out on the desk in her bedroom, then Lois got out the
costume she'd been working on to compare it to them.  Close inspection
of the photos showed something she hadn't noticed before.  The costume
in the photos appeared to be in one piece, with no breaks from the head
all the way to the feet.  What she had presumed to be boots worn over the
costume actually appeared to be part of the costume.  She held up her
costume, and saw that some major work would have to be done to make
it more closely match the original.  Then an idea came to Lois that she
was surprised she hadn't thought of before.  She put down her own
costume, then opened the box given to her by the old man.

Sure enough, upon lifting the costume from the box, Lois discovered that
the photos were accurate.  There was a cowl to cover the head which
included material to encircle the neck.  A zipper led from the neck all the
way down to the crotch.  The feet at the bottom of the leggings were
indeed in the form of built in boots, with rounded toes and unbelievably
high and sexy looking stiletto heels, an inch or so shorter that the
seven-inch heeled fetish boots she'd found for her home made costume.

What really got her attention was something that hadn't been apparent in
the photos.  The arms did not end at the wrists.  They continued down
into realistic looking flesh colored gloves which looked just like hands,
with sharp claws at each fingertip.  Lois was amazed by the texture of the
costume's material, thinking that it had to be at least twenty years old, but
felt like it was brand new.

Lois picked up the costume she had been working on and held it next to
the original.  While the colors matched nicely, the details of the original
would be difficult to copy.  She put both costumes down on her bed, then
went back to studying the photos.  It was while looking from picture to
picture and back again that an idea started forming in her head.  She put
the photos down, and suddenly froze for a moment.  She shook her head,
then had an inspiration.  'Why should I worry about making my copy
match the original?  I've got the original right here in my hands!'

This thought was not the brunette's own.  The original maker of the
costume had been under the influence of a magical spell which bound her
body and soul to the costume.  This spell was still present in the
costume.  Lois was now acting as the costume itself suggested.  She
decided that if she was planning on using the original costume at the
party, she'd better see if it fit.

Lois quickly stripped off her clothes, and then did something that puzzled
her greatly.  She sat at her dressing table and used her makeup kit to
work over her face into an evil looking visage.  Her eyes were heavily lined
with dark blue, her eyebrows were angled sharply upward, her cheeks
were brazenly highlighted and her lips were coated with a fire engine red
lipstick.  When she was finished, the now much different looking woman
was aghast at what she saw in her mirror.  This was only the beginning,

She reached for the original costume, and drew the right leg up as she
would a pair of hose.  Lois inserted her foot into the built in boot, and at
this point felt the result of the extreme heel and arch the boot had.  After
doing the same on the left side, she drew the leggings up and smoothed
them.  The costume was pulled up past her waist with its tail becoming
quite apparent, then she inserted her left hand into the left arm.  When it
had been brought into the flesh-like glove, the costume tester  couldn't
believe how realistic it looked.  After the right hand and arm had been
done, she pulled the costume up over her torso.

As she started to pull up the zipper, Lois noticed that any worry about the
costume not fitting was ridiculous.  She found that somehow, her body
was being reshaped; the costume was forming her to fit it!  Her waist was
drawn in considerably, almost as if there was a wasp waisted corset in the
costume, yet she felt no constrictions.  The most noticeable change she
saw was in her breasts.  She had expected the tight material of the
costume to squeeze down on her normally ample chest and flatten it.  
This was not to be.  It was found that she now had two bulbous breasts
standing out with the costume clinging to them closely, molding them into
tremendous proportions.  To top this off, she saw her nipples growing and
standing out at the front of each breast.

As she reached with her now clawed hands to cup her breasts, Lois was
once again surprised to see instead the claws on each hand reaching for
and pinching her nipples.  The enchanted fabric of the costume resisted
any efforts by the claws to rip it.  She then completed her donning of the
costume.  She reached behind her head and pulled the cowl up over it,
tucking her hair up and into the back of the cowl.  Then she pulled the
zipper the rest of the way up, sealing her neck tightly.  At that moment,
the sorcery in the costume became complete.  The tail attached above her
ass came alive, swinging back and forth and coiling and uncoiling.  Added
to this, to her astonishment, the zipper disappeared!

Lois turned to face her mirror.  The image she saw was most definitely not
her.  Then she watched as her lips moved, and she heard a voice similar
to her own, but with more guile in it.  "Thank you, Miss Lane, for freeing
me from my years of stasis.  My old wearer had become just that - old.  
I have been waiting all these years for someone to come to me, and allow
me to live once again.  You are now mine for the rest of your life!  I will
allow you to live your own original life as before, but whenever I call, you
will once again become your true self.  You are Cheetah!"

As Cheetah primped for herself in the mirror belonging to Lois Lane, she
checked to make sure the claw dart shooter on her left wrist still
functioned.  A small diamond shaped dart shot out, and imbedded itself in
the wall to the left of the mirror.  Pleased with the result, the newly revived
villainess used the knowledge she found in her mind and went to her
dresser drawers to retrieve a small lead box.  She extracted the small
slivers of Green Kryptonite which Superman had entrusted to Lois a few
years earlier, in case they were ever needed.  Cheetah found a need for
them that Superman would regret.  She used her claws to whittle two of
the Green-K slivers into darts, and slipped them into her wrist shooter.  
The other darts were still tipped after all the years with a diabolical drug
which Priscilla Rich had acquired before losing favor with the Cheetah
identity.  These were intended for, but not strictly limited to, Cheetah's old
nemesis, Wonder Woman.

The villainess smiled wickedly, thinking of just what she had in mind for
her Amazon foe after seeing and knowing what Lois had been making
before getting the real costume.  She picked up the cowl which Lois had
made and cut off the two ears, then found a thin black hair band to which
she could glue them.  Then she took the catsuit which had been intended
to cover her whole body and used first scissors and then the sewing
machine to put a deep, cleavage exposing V on its front going all the way
down to the navel.  Everything else that had been prepared would be
perfect; she knew from her past experience that the Amazon's feet were
close enough in size for the boots Lois had bought.  The now modified
costume was packed into the plain white box that held the boots.

The next thing Cheetah did was take one of Ms. Lane's special shoulder
bags from out the closet, which had a false bottom, and laid it on the bed.  
She then got on the phone and made a reservation on the first flight of the
next morning, Sunday, to Washington, DC.  After that call was completed,
she called and made a reservation at the Crystal City Marriott right outside
the airport.  With the phone calls finished, Cheetah took off her costume
by first inducing the zipper to reappear, then reversing the process in
which Lois had put it on.  While still controlling her mind, Cheetah went to
the sink and washed off the garish face her host had put on.  The makeup
she had used was then placed in the shoulder bag.  Cheetah then allowed
her alter ego's mind to come forward.

Lois blinked her eyes, then noticed that she was naked, sitting on the
edge of her bed.  The costume she had acquired earlier in the day was
folded up on the bed next to one of her bags.  She looked at her wall clock
and saw that it was getting close to midnight, and wondered where the
time had gone.  Without a clue as to why she was doing so, she took the
costume and placed it into the bottom of the shoulder bag, then put the
false bottom over it and put some underwear and clothes on top of that,
along with the box holding the boots she'd found a few days earlier.

Lois put on her nightie, then set her alarm for 5:00 AM in order to be up
early enough to catch her flight.  'My flight?  Why am I going back to DC?  
Oh well, it must have slipped my mind,' she thought.

The brief sleep that Lois got ended with an incessant ringing of her alarm
clock.  Reluctantly, she shucked her covers to the side of her bed, then
slid her legs over the edge, stretched her arms in a gaping yawn, and
stood up.  The groggy brunette went to the kitchen to start the coffee
going, then went to her bathroom to take a quick shower.

After she had toweled herself dry, Lois went to get a cup of her freshly
brewed java to sip at while she got dressed.  Somehow, she knew that,
this time, she had no need to dress sharply and just put on a blouse and
some slacks.  She got on the phone and arranged for a taxi, then noticed
what the lack of sleep had done to her face.  She required just a little
makeup to brighten her face with her natural good looks, and was finished
there before her first cup even started to cool.  She made two pieces of
toast, then ate these and finished off her coffee.

A short toot was heard, which let Lois know that her taxi had arrived.  She
grabbed her purse and the shoulder bag, put on a light jacket, then locked
up her apartment and got on the start of her trip into a world she would be
altering radically.

The flight southbound was uneventful, and the coffee and breakfast snack
offered on the plane were gratefully accepted by Lois.  The buzz she got
from the additional caffeine gave her enough of a jolt to be fully awake as
the plane touched down at Washington National Airport, now with Ronald
Reagan's name attached to it, also.  Since all her bags were in the
overhead bin, she made a bee line for the ground transportation area.

Lois got on the courtesy phone in the bag claim area, and reached the
Marriott to get a ride on their airport shuttle.  She was still trying to figure
out why she was there in DC, only one day later than her last visit, but
assumed that after she'd gotten to her hotel room she'd probably

She might not remember, but Lois would certainly find out why she was
there, after she got to her room.

The wait for the shuttle was brief, and a short five minute ride got her off
the airport and into the drive through lane in front of the entrance of the
hotel.  Checking in at 7:30 in the morning was not a normal occurrence at
the Marriott, but with the combination of proximity to the airport, the
Pentagon, and DC itself, the front desk staff were not terribly surprised to
find Lois checking in at that time.  She was given a room facing the airport
on the 7th floor, and she ignored the bellhops who approached.  She slung
her shoulder bag into place and grabbed her purse.  After a quick elevator
ride, the brunette went down one corridor and turned right, finding her room
halfway to the end of that hallway.

Shortly after she entered her room, Lois opened up her shoulder bag and
pulled out the boot box, hat, trench coat and gloves she had put there
earlier.  'Now, what need do I have for these?' she wondered.  'And why
are the boots here?'  The underwear was easier to understand, but then
she saw the false bottom bulging a little bit.  She lifted the bottom, and
saw the costume folded up there.  "Why on earth would I have brought
this costume with me back to DC?" she muttered to herself.  Then she
saw the cosmetic kit under the costume.

As the now puzzled young lady lifted the costume out of the bag, she
started to recall doing something like that the night before.  "No!" she
exclaimed.  "I remember now!  I refuse to let this costume take me
again!"  Regardless of her own objections, Lois found herself picking up
the cosmetic kit and sitting at the room's dressing table.

When she looked into the mirror, Lois was shocked at the reflection she
saw.  "What's the matter, Lois?" she heard her own but evil sounding
voice say, as the lips on the Cheetah image in the mirror moved.  "You
can't deny me!  I am your true self now, the predator, huntress and
supremely evil villainess you have become.  You have no choice but to
bring me forth!"

"No! I won't let you..." Lois started to say, but noticed her voice starting to
match the image's.  A sneer formed on her lips, then only a "Ha, ha, ha!,"
was heard.  She stripped off her pants and blouse, then removed her
panties and bra.  Once again, she worked over her face with the cosmetic
kit, and in no time, the possessed woman's beautiful face became
a picture of elegant evil.

This time, Cheetah was fully aware of the way she was putting on her
costume, and savored every feeling as the sleek lycra-like material was
drawn completely onto her body, molding it to its greatly enhanced shape.  
After her hair had been tucked up and the cowl drawn over her head, the
feline villainess willed the zipper to fade away.  The now seamless vision
of feminine guile reached for and attached her dart shooter to her left wrist
as her tail became alive and wiggled almost seductively.

Then Cheetah put on the coat which Lois had packed, effectively covering
her tail and hiding the garish cheetah print costume from view, except for
the bottom, which any viewer would see as merely a set of cheetah print
boots with really sexy, ultra high heels.  The boot box was placed back in
the shoulder bag and slung over her shoulder.  She pulled Ms. Lane's
leather gloves over her clawed 'hands' to hide them, then pulled the hat
down over her cowl.  This disguise would do well enough to get the
villainess out of the hotel.  She would not need it for long after that!

Cheetah got a couple of dollars out of Lois' purse and put them into
a pocket on the coat.  She then went down the elevator back to the lobby,
where she attracted a large number of ogling eyes checking out her
outrageous makeup and fantastic 'boots'.  Ignoring them, she proceeded
to the front desk and asked for a ride to the Metro station.  There, a pass
was obtained from the bank of machines against the wall leading into the
station, following which Cheetah got on the next Yellow Line train going
directly downtown.  Soon, she knew, all hell would be breaking loose.

The still covered up villainess had no clue as to the super heroine's
location, but quickly figured out a way to get Wonder Woman to come to
her, instead of her having to find the Amazon.  At the L'Enfant station on
the DC side of the Potomac River, Cheetah got off the train.  She had no
sooner approached the turnstile to leave the station when she stripped off
her outer coverings, revealing her true self to all those present at the
station.  They soon were wishing they had never seen her.

In an effort to draw out Wonder Woman, Cheetah fired one of her original
darts at one of the security guards, which embedded itself in the soft skin
of his neck.  The drug went to work in only a few seconds.  The guard's
face took on a blank look, while his body straightened to stand rigidly.  
"Who do you work for, cop?" Cheetah asked as she drew her own face
near his.

"I work for the DC Transit Authority."

"Not anymore.  You work for Cheetah.  You love and obey only Cheetah.  
Give me your gun."

"Of course, mistress," he said as he unholstered his weapon, "I live only
to serve you."

She grinned wickedly as the effectiveness of the drug on her darts was
proven.  "Now, go sit along the wall and stay out of the way."  He turned
and went to do as he was told.  Cheetah then took his pistol and shot up
the computer linkages in the station, effectively shutting it down and
trapping close to a hundred people inside.  No one on the outside could
get in, either, for that matter.  An alarm was quickly raised, and in no
time, a swarm of policemen were descending upon the besieged Metro

Shortly after they spotted the garishly clad female causing all the trouble,
the police came to the conclusion that Wonder Woman should be called
for.  Diana Prince had a set of alarms in her apartment for a number of
different agencies, among them being the Justice League, the police, the
Pentagon, the UN, and Paradise Island, her original home.  When the
specific tone of the police alarm started going off while Diana was reading
the comics in her Sunday paper, she put down the paper in a blur and hit
the transmit button on the alarm.  "What's the situation, Chief?" she

"We're not sure just who we're contending with, but there is a female in
a gaudy costume holding the L'Enfant Metro station hostage.  She has
somehow taken control of at least one security guard and shut down the
computer control system at the station.  There are close to a hundred
people trapped in the station with her as of right now."

"Okay, Chief.  I'm on my way!"

Diana spun clockwise with her arms spread.  After a quick flash of
sparkling energy, the drably dressed Diana was replaced by the brightly
clad Wonder Woman.  She checked her back window to be sure no one
was observing, then leaped into the sky.  The Amazon was borne by the
winds as if she were gossamer, and shortly was descending toward the
Smithsonian side entrance to L'Enfant Plaza.  She got a quick rundown
from the officer in charge, and then the super heroine worked her way
through the crowds building up outside the station.  Her increible strength
easily handled the barriers immobilized by the computer shutdown, and
soon she was descending the stationary escalator leading to the
underground siege.

As she came to the bottom of the escalator, Wonder Woman gasped.  
Apparently, all the trapped people had been herded to other parts of the
station.  Only one person was in sight on the floor adjacent to the
escalator.  There in front of her stood Cheetah, someone the Amazon
thought she'd seen the last of a long, long time ago.  "Cheetah, how did
you come back into being?" she exclaimed.  "I thought you had ceased to
exist eight years ago!"

"That I did, oh Amazon most hated!" replied Cheetah.  "I went into
retirement when Priscilla couldn't handle me anymore.  I have found a new
host to start my life all over again and allow me to finally get rid of you as
a despised vexation.  Do you recognize my voice, Wonder Woman?"

With the way Cheetah was playing with Lois' vocal cords, her voice wasn't
clearly one that Wonder Woman could remember hearing, and she said,
"No, I'm sorry.  I recognize you only as Cheetah, I can't place the voice."

"See if this does anything for you, then!" Cheetah said, as she pulled her
cowl back.

"Lois Lane!  Even under that garish makeup, I'd recognize that face and
hair!" replied a shocked Wonder Woman.

"Yes," said Cheetah, "I have taken Lois to be my new host.  I am
Cheetah, once again in a viable young body.  Now, prepare to start a new
life of your own!"

She saw Cheetah starting to move her left wrist, so Wonder Woman
instinctively raised her bracelets to deflect anything coming her way.  
Cheetah had this move planned for.  She raised her left wrist to aim at the
Amazon's head and neck, and let loose a shotgun style burst of the
drugged claw darts.  Her beautiful target deflected a few of them, but four
got through and embedded themselves deeply in the Amazon's skin.  The
drug was very fast working, but before the heroine's willpower faded
completely away, she reached to her belt and pressed the Justice League
alert signal there.

It was her last willful action.  The colorfully clad Amazon became frozen in
place with a blank expression on her face.  "Take off your costume,
Wonder Woman," a gloating Cheetah told her.

Diana found herself doing something she'd rarely had to do, manually
removing her costume.  In short order there was a pile of red, white, blue
and gold near her now bare feet.  "First unhook the magic lasso and hand
it to me, then put your power belt and bracelets back on."

As soon as she had done as instructed, Diana felt the lasso being wound
around her upper body.  "I'm reasonably sure the drug on my darts will be
enough to change you, but I know for a fact that with the aid of this lasso
there's no way for you to resist."  Cheetah half expected Wonder Woman
to scowl or show some other expression in reply, but the drug was indeed
very effective.  The Amazon remained stoical.

"You are no longer Wonder Woman, my dear.  Tell me, though, what is
the name you use in everyday life?"

"I am Diana Prince."

Cheetah knew all about Diana Prince and the IADC.  The wicked villainess
sneered as she realized the added boon this would bring.  "Diana Prince,
you will still continue your job at the IADC.  But you have an additional life
to lead now.  Away from the job, you are a fun loving and vibrant young
lady who calls herself Debbi Domaine.  Debbi is my partner in crime,
Leopard.  Here's you costume, put it on over your belt and bracelets."

Cheetah uncoiled the lasso from around the now wickedly smiling Debbi's
body and put it into her shoulder bag.  She reached into the shoulder bag
and then handed the nearly nude woman the boot box.  Debbi quickly
slipped her legs into the catsuit's leggings, then pulled the rest of the
costume up over her torso and slid her arms into its sleeves.  She
adjusted the deep V on her chest so that it was perfectly centered
between her massive orbs, then proceeded to zip the boots with their
incredibly high heels up to her knees.  The hair band was placed over her
ears, so that only the yellow and black cat ears stood out from her black
hair.  Debbi wiggled her ass to see her tail move, but was a bit
disappointed that it wasn't as active as her partner's.

"You look really good, Leopard.  Let's get going, because I'm sure there
will be more trouble here very soon."

"Gotcha, Cheetah.  Let's see what kind of trouble we can make in other
places.  I also want to get some claws that look as good as yours."

Cheetah watched as Leopard seemed to walk quickly with feline grace
even in the heels on her feet.  'Having the Amazon's powers must give her
a lot of advantages,' she thought.  As they started walking rapidly up the
static escalator, she mentioned, "Since claws like mine would look out of
place on Diana Prince's hands, we'll have to get you some clawed latex
gloves like the ones on the ends of my sleeves.  That can wait, though.  
Let's just get out of here for now."

"Oh, yeah, I guess the stuck up Diana Prince would look kinky with long
claws at her fingertips.  I bet Steve Trevor would like 'em, though.  He'll
just have to put up with the normal me."

'The normal you!' thought Cheetah.  'This has all worked out just as good,
if not better than I'd hoped!'

* * * * *

When word went out to all the Justice League members about Wonder
Woman being in some kind of trouble, Superman replied that he would be
closest and would check out the situation after a hyperspeed jaunt from
Metropolis to Washington.  At the time he received the signal, Clark was
on the phone trying to reach Lois, who did not have her answering
machine on and apparently wasn't home to pick up the phone, either.  
With the lightning-like speed he was capable of, Clark hung up the phone,
changed into his blue and red costume, and was zooming out his window
within seconds.  In the space of only eight minutes since getting the alert,
the Man of Steel was descending into Washington, DC.

When he saw the crowd forming at the Metro station, Superman did
a quick scan with his super vision, and noted a pair of females in wild
looking costumes running briskly away from the station.  He knew they
had to have had something to do with the emergency, and the Man of
Steel wanted to go after them, but felt that checking on Wonder Woman
had priority.  He was shocked when he discovered the Amazon's
costume piled on the floor of the Metro station, with so sign of the his
teammate herself.

He left this question to the police that were coming on the scene.  
Superman turned and shot out of the station to find the person or persons
presumably responsible for Wonder Woman's disappearance.

The Last Son of Krypton once again spotted the running figures, and sped
to a position directly in front of them.  He dropped to the ground and,
blocking their path, said, "If you had anything to do with the
disappearance of my friend, Wonder Woman, you'd better hope the
justice system gets to you before I do!"

Leopard came to a stop and glared at the Man of Steel.  He was starting
to think she looked familiar, but had his train of thought interrupted.  
Cheetah halted in her tracks, placed her arms akimbo on her hips, then
said, "Oh, pooh!  Just what I need!  Get rid of one Justice League
member, and another shows up to try and ruin my day."

Superman noted a strange familiarity to the voice he was hearing, then did
a quick scan with X-ray vision to look behind her cowl.  The face was
modified with the makeup, but the rest of that head belonged to his
girlfriend!  "Lois!  Is that you?  Why are you wearing that costume, and
what on earth have you done with Wonder Woman?"

"No, you blabbering super oaf!  I am no longer Lois Lane.  I've decided to
do without her," replied Cheetah.  "I am now and forever more Cheetah.  
I changed your precious Wonder Woman into my new ally you see beside
me, because I've been trying to get rid of the heroine since I came into
being.  And thanks to my new host, I am now prepared to do the same to
you!  Goodbye, Superman!"

Cheetah raised her left wrist, and before a shocked Superman could
move, two Green-K claw darts shot into his neck.  As the Green-K quickly
sapped him of his strength and then the ability to even stand, he used his
last strength to reach up and pull them from his neck.  But he was too
spent to do anything more, and collapsed in a heap of red and blue as the
pair of cats watched.  Cheetah gloated, "Gee, two Justice League
members in one morning!  I can't wait to see what the future holds for me!  
Too bad I don't have any more of the drugged darts to change you, too,
Superman.  Let's go, Leopard.  Our destiny awaits!"

Both of the new vixens walked away to fade into the shadows, ready to
commit crime and have fun doing so.

So this story ends.  Both Lois and Wonder Woman have lost their
connections to their past lives.  Cheetah has stolen them from both.  
Cheetah is now not just a costume party entry Lois would play.  She is
her actual identity now!

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